(Dutch only for now, sorry! Thank you to PR RE:PUBLIC!) Groot verlies stimuleert Melynda tot indrukwekkende debuutalbum Aftermath gaat over verdriet, strijd, passie en eindeloze liefde Gisteravond werd de lang gekoesterde droom van de New Yorks-Utrechtse zangeres Melynda werkelijkheid met de lancering van haar debuutalbum ‘AFTERMATH’. Het lanceringsconcert vond plaats te midden van zo’n 150 vrienden, familieleden en belangstellenden in het nieuwe muziekcafé VENUE te Utrecht. De titel van de album refereert aan… Read more →
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Introducing: the band
My release concert is two sleeps away, and I am so excited! Also because I have a group of amazing musicians who will be sharing the stage with me. They are: Piano: David de Geus Bass guitar: Rob Vermeulen Drums: Colin Vermeulen Guitar: Paul Kessels Keyboards: Hans Keetman Backing vocals: Judith van Dillen Trumpet: Diederik Ruisch Alt Sax: Miklos Fürst Tenor Sax: Pieter van der Venne See you Saturday! Read more →

Aftermath available in more places
Aftermath is now available in many other places: Amazon, Google Play, Spotify, JB HiFi and Rdio! Have a listen and let me know what you think! Please leave me a review where possible, that would be great! iTunes Bandcamp Amazon MP3 Google Play Spotify Deezer JB HiFi Rdio Read more →

It’s OUT
Aftermath is now available on iTunes and Bandcamp! ! Be a dear and write a review? (More online stores and streaming services to follow!) Read more →
Behind the scenes in the studio
Location, location, location
I’m so excited to announce that we’ve got a location for the album release concert on 6 June! And what a location it is, wow. Venue is the newest music cafe in Utrecht (where the SJU Podium used to be for those who know). It’s the perfect mixture of classy and sassy, with a gorgeous bar, great lighting, good space and a low stage so performers are close to the audience. I went there… Read more →
Save the date: 6 June
I finally picked a date for my release concert: Saturday 6 June. It’s exciting, I can’t believe it’s really happening! I am still narrowing down the location, have an option on a place and investigating a few more. Hope everyone can make it. More details as they become available! Read more →
Exciting times
So everyone’s been asking me when the EP is coming out. I’m working on it, and it’s so much fun! The band has been recorded, and they sound great. Over the next two weeks we’re going to lay down the horns for three tracks, as well as overdubs of keys/piano and, of course, the lead vocals. This week I met with the talented Wina from Fraai Media, who did my website and logo. She’s… Read more →
Shut up, devil king
My best friend Desi calls it the “devil king”. It’s a term from Buddhism, and from the way she tells it, the devil king sits on your shoulder and whispers bad things into your ear. Things like, “you can’t do this”, “just give up”, and “you’re going to fail”. Now, I don’t know about you, but I struggle a lot with my devil king. He’s been there since I was a kid, encouraging me… Read more →