So everyone’s been asking me when the EP is coming out. I’m working on it, and it’s so much fun!
The band has been recorded, and they sound great. Over the next two weeks we’re going to lay down the horns for three tracks, as well as overdubs of keys/piano and, of course, the lead vocals.
This week I met with the talented Wina from Fraai Media, who did my website and logo. She’s going to come up with some designs for the CD cover, as well as the print for the actual CD itself. Very exciting!
I’ve also been talking with a super creative filmmaker about working together on a video clip for one of my songs. More on that as it develops!
I’ve been interviewed and filmed for a global video magazine at my work, which I will be able to post here next week. (Hi colleagues!)
And in the meantime, I’m still writing. Maybe for the next album?
Thanks for stopping by, stay tuned!